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How to Delete My Account

At Siperb we allow you to control your data. We have a few simple rules when it comes to your data:

  1. The app(s) can collect and store your data, including call records, call recordings, and more, if you want – however, this is your data! and we treat it as such.
  2. We never sell, or distribute your data to any 3rd party, but we have to store it somewhere, right – so we use various region specific AWS storage services like S3 and DynamoDB in order to achieve this.
  3. You can always access your data without restriction, just like any Cloud Storage Provider, you have access via the Admin Control Panel to browse around your Stream History or Recordings or whatever you want to see as much as you like.
  4. You can download your data at any time, but there may be years or data there – so your download could be huge! This is why we require you to perform this task using the API available.
  5. Your data automatically expires according to the settings you specify in your payment settings. When it’s gone, it’s gone – we just keep any additional stash somewhere. So be sure when you set these settings, or hit delete.

Before you delete your account.

To delete your account you first need to do the following things:

  1. If you are on a paid account, you have to downgrade to Free, first.
  2. You must first delete all your Connections.
  3. You must first delete all your Devices.
  4. If you are the domain Admin, you cannot have any DomainUsers, under your control.

Once you have completed the above, go to the Admin Control Panel, and click Account Settings. If you have completed the above, the Delete Account button, will be Active, and you can delete your account.

Warning: When you delete your account, there is no undo, or way to recover the deleted account.

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